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Denny Chris, Jorge – Czech Hunter 783


Czech Hunter 783: I was in a park, thinking about the best place for hunting when a cute foreigner approached me. He was from Colombia and desperately needed help. The poor dude missed his flight and was looking for a way to get home. We solved the language barrier by using a phone and quickly found an elegant solution to his problem. I’d give him money and he’d return the favor. I wasn’t sure he fully understood the proposition in the beginning but agreed to follow me home. I didn’t expect much to happen, but it was worth the try. To my surprise he understood exactly what this was about. When we got to my place, he offered me a blowjob right away. I slowed things down a bit and let him give me a foot massage first. Then he sucked me nicely. Obviously, he wanted to make more, and his ass was anxious to get some real pounding. CH – Czech Hunter. Featuring Denny Chris and Jorge. Denny Chriss (aka Denny Cock and @DennyChrissXXX and Denny Chris).

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