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Confessional Dex – Dex Devall and Eddie Patrick


Chapter 1: Altar Boy Dex – Confessional Dex: Father Patrick scarcely had time to step into the chapel confessional for his morning duties when someone immediately entered the confession stall on the other side. The tall, dark, serious priest cleared his throat and straightened his posture. Father Patrick was ready. More than ready this glorious morning: the sumptuous priest was keen to begin. Father Patrick had barely uttered the words to the opening prayer when he heard the familiar voice of altar boy Dex. It had been quite some time since the youth’s last confession. The pious priest assured the young man that he was ready to hear whatever the lad had weighing on his heart, mind, and soul. Altar boy Dex admitted that he’d been having impure thoughts as of late- a lot of impure carnal thoughts. And not about girls, either. The tremulous twink held his breath and waited for what he was sure was going to be a harsh, or shocked, reprimand. Instead of shock or horror, Father Patrick soothed the boy’s worries by pointing out that having sexual fantasies was completely natural- even if it was a fantasy about a boy. At this declaration, Dex allowed himself to relax just a little bit and moved closer to the grilled partition separating himself from the kindly priest. Emboldened by the rapidly growing trust the altar boy and the priest were building with each other, Father Patrick asked nonchalantly if Dex had acted on his lust- or if his fantasies had merely stayed within his mind. The altar boy normally might have hesitated offering up the whole truth. But something about Father Patrick’s calm, unassuming, relaxed rhetoric influenced Dex’s decision to just let it all out and confess everything he’d been up to. Dex admitted forthright that he’d had more than just sinful thoughts. The ornery youth had seduced, then touched, then kissed a boy- and not just one boy, but two! Father Patrick asked Dex if what he’d done with the boys had gotten him aroused. Oh yes, the hormonal youth had gotten plenty aroused- and Dex was certain the other boys had gotten aroused as well. Just the way the altar boy- mere inches away- softly spoke the word ‘aroused’ had Father Patrick touching himself. The holy priest inquired if Dex had pleasured himself since he had fooled around with the other altar boys. Dex paused for a moment to collect his thoughts- then a small smile crossed his face. The honest truth was that Dex had tried- kind of- to not touch himself, to atone for his sin and spend more time at Mass. However, the plain fact was that St. Peter’s Catholic school was full of incredibly attractive boys and men. Yes indeed, he had touched himself. And yet, despite the raging hormones and the night-long raging hardons, Dex knew that he must rely on his Faith to guide him through this primal storm. Father Patrick was at full mast, his penis throbbing now against his trousers, when he expressed that he would dutifully share Dex’s burden of underlying desires- but the young man must put his complete trust in him. And above all, tell absolutely no one about what would transpire between the two of them. A wave of relief and euphoria passed over the boy. Salvation and acceptance was indeed possible after all. Father Patrick, his voice sweet and tender, asked Dex if he was a virgin or not. Again, Dex had to consider the question. Ultimately, however, the inexperienced youth was pretty sure he was still a virgin… The details of the matter were simple: Dex had touched the other boys’ hard penises- and they had in turn touched his hard penis. However, that was all that had transpired. Father Patrick’s typical serious temperament noticeably lightened as he reckoned full well that Dex was indeed a legitimate virgin. At this point, the aroused priest had little choice but to unleash his now painfully swollen cock from his pants. He tenderly stroked his ten-inch-long erection and let the silky foreskin slide salaciously back and forth against his moist glans. In the meantime, Father Patrick asked for a thorough description of all of the altar boy’s impure carnal thoughts. As Dex confessed in his sweet, innocent, musical voice that he frequently fantasized about getting naked with other boys and kissing them, Father Patrick was compelled to push his pants further down and massage his massive, tender testes. And as the conversation got more serious and delved deeper into Dex’s lust and desires, the young boy couldn’t help but start touching himself as well. Then when Father Patrick asked if Dex had fantasies involving oral intercourse, Dex admitted that he had fantasized about it, but had never actually done it. Father Patrick finally made the leap and asked if Dex had an erection in that moment. The altar boy was positively stunned, but at the same time relieved, and happily confessed with no hesitation that indeed his penis was hard. Just the thought made the incensed priest’s dick twitch. Now it was time to risk it all. Still methodically stroking his long, cannon-shaped uncut cock, Father Patrick promised Dex that he would ‘take care of’ the altar boy’s immortal soul- but on one condition: that the boy never speak of or share with anyone else the activities that would transpire between them. The enraptured twink promised and vowed to keep their secrets- with all of his heart and soul. Besides, Dex was ravenously curious and excited by what the handsome priest might have in store for him. That is when Father Patrick instructed Dex to take off his pants and to stroke his boyhood. Immediately the randy altar boy unzipped and freed his pulsing teen dick from his form-fitting khakis. In the next instant, Father Patrick slid the velvet partition separating him from the tremulous twink. Dex caught a glimpse of the exposed holy man’s hardon and emitted a small gasp. The altar boy had never seen a penis that size. Not even in the gymnasium showers. Then Father Patrick told Dex to put his hand through the small opening and touch his hardon. The boy’s small hand could barely grasp the entirety of the man’s circumference. With an unexpectedly adept stroking motion, Dex very tenderly massaged the shaft and slid the foreskin across the priest’s swollen glans. Father Patrick nearly blew his load, but somehow kept control. It was time to move things along. Father Patrick instructed Dex to push his penis past the fabric partition. Naturally, the youth was not nearly as endowed as the older man, but the salivating priest didn’t care a thing about that. All that Father Patrick craved was anything and everything the altar boy would give him- and he silently, yet fervently, prayed that Dex would indeed fulfill his promise and let the priest commence in anything he wished. The young lad’s cock was hard as steel and it throbbed and twitched when Father Patrick seductively ran his fingertips along the smooth, swollen shaft and brushed lightly against the testes. Then the priest got on his knees and kissed the head of the altar boy’s shaft. The sudden stimulation caused a sharp cry of surprise and delight to escape the boy’s lips. Sucking the altar boy off was easily one of Father Patrick’s greatest joys and thrills of his life. Dex’s moans got louder and louder. How lucky the lad felt that he was experiencing his first blow job, let alone the rapture of his penis being kissed and licked by a wildly sexy priest. Surely, Dex marveled- the other boys he’d recently fooled around with couldn’t have delivered oral pleasure quite like this! All too soon, Father Patrick pulled off and instructed Dex to get on his knees and do him the same way he’d been done. The excited youngster was more than happy to comply. And Lord Almighty, the boy was a natural! Father Patrick silently praised the saints and archangels for sending the gorgeous, obedient lad to him. Again, the holy priest didn’t want to climax too quickly, so he slid his cock from the boy’s hungry mouth. This gave Dex just enough time to rise to his feet as Father Patrick entered his side of the Confessional booth- both man and boy locked eyes. Both man and boy continued groping themselves. Dex held his breath and wondered what wondrous unholy acts Father Patrick had in mind next? Alternate Description: Catholic altar boy Dex found it harder and harder to repress his sexual thoughts and desires for other boys and men. At St. Peter’s Catholic School, Dex discovered other boys with similar needs- and even acted out some of his long hidden fantasies with- only to feel guilty about it afterwards. Altar boy Dex decided it was high time to visit the Confessional and profess to Father Patrick all of his many naughty sins. The cute church twink was excited and fiercely aroused to find that the tall, dark, sexy holy man not only understood his lust for boys- the hot priest shared his desires as well! This week from CatholicBoys, Altar Boy Dex confesses his naughty desires to hot, sultry Father Patrick! Credits Director: Legrand Wolf, Brian Fitzgibbons.

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