Chapter 3: Dex – Surprise Visit: This week from FunSizeBoys, Fireman Guy responds to the “emergency call” of Dex. I joined the fire department about a year ago. I was working a shitty job and fed up with it. My best friend was working at the fire department and loving it. I’m not sure I would want to do it in a big city. It sure isn’t all fun and games, but out here we don’t have multi-story buildings, or industrial parks full of hazardous chemicals. The tallest building we have is a 5 story Holiday Inn near the interstate. So it’s not that dangerous and about once a month, the whole station finds an excuse to get together for morale building, or whatever. My friend invited me to a Super Bowl party. We got lucky and there weren’t any calls, just 20, or so guys hanging out, watching the game, getting rowdy. I felt like I was back at the frathouse in college, except that some of the guys drew straws to stay sober, just in case there was a real emergency. The next day I was registering for Fire Fighter training. One and done, and I was a smoke eater. We do work. We occasionally take risks. It’s not easy seeing some family’s house burn down. At least we’re there to help, though, as much as we can. Just a public service announcement: keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen! More than anything we do the stereotypical cat in tree jobs. A few days ago a brat got his head caught between the bannisters at the top of his parents stairs. The dad was livid when we cut him out. I mean really, teach your kid some common sense! Don’t eat yellow snow, or stick your head through a fence. The best calls though are what we call “Lonely House Wife Visits.” That is a dirty little Fire Department secret but “What happens in the firehouse stays in the firehouse.” To be fair, some of these are women with legitimate fears and occasionally there is actually a problem. Then there are the women left alone at night, something happens, their imagination runs wild, and they are freaked out. More often than you would believe though, we get met at the door by a MILF in a negligee. Yeah, that only happens on Pornhub, but I swear it’s no lie. So, when those calls come in, we draw straws. The winner takes the captain’s truck and goes to scope things out. If there’s an emergency, he calls for backup, otherwise he has an hour to “sort things out” before he needs to be back. At worst it’s a chance to get out of the firehouse, take a drive, scope out the community for any legit fire hazards and grab a free donut. At best, it’s a chance to pull out your own hose and put out some chick’s bush fire. The thing is I usually hope I lose the draw. What none of the guys know is that I’m gay. My high school “sweet heart” and I have a deal. She’s been wearing my engagement ring for years. Neither one of us wants to be hassled about being single. Being engaged doesn’t stop the lonely housewives, though. Especially our repeat customers. A few days ago, I lost (won) the lottery. The caller was some young guy at a BnB across town. That time the guys were all hoping to lose, and I thought I’d lost when I won. I mean the last thing I expected to find was a cute little twink in a terry cloth robe claiming that he “smelled smoke” when there was a leaf fire obviously burning in the backyard across the street. I mean, seriously, little dude?! Clearly, he was new to the Lonely Housewife Game. Who am I to complain, though. I’ve got an hour to enjoy some tight twink hole, and those chances don’t come around often in this little town. He was giving me bedroom eyes and I was obviously the kind of first responder he was looking for. He wasn’t taking any chances, though. After I made a gesture of “looking around,” he laid back on his bed and said, “you don’t have to go… if you don’t want to.” Well, no, I sure as hell don’t want to go. I want to stay and fuck your tight ass around the block twice. Next thing I know I’ve got him lying on the bed, belly up, head hanging off and I’m literally throat fucking him. Talk about a Pornhub movie. I roll him over, eat out his furry hole and slide my cock in. He’s tight as a glove and hot as blazes, but this is one five alarm fire I can handle on my own.