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Middle School Reunion – Dee Weezy, Saint


One of the things I love about filming “reality porn” is that you never know what’s going to happen next. A perfect example of this is the surprising real-life story behind my most recent scene:

While showing new model Dee Weezy some pics of potential scene partners, he told me that Saint looked really familiar. It turned out that he and Saint were actually good friends back in middle school, but they hadn’t been in contact or even seen each other since then.

At first the sexy young bisexual skater was understandably skeptical about doing a scene with his straight childhood friend, saying that the whole thing would just be too weird. But after giving it a little more thought, he finally decided that a surprise reunion might actually be kind of fun!

We didn’t tell Saint anything about this in advance, so all he knew was that he was coming over to do an action scene with a new model. At first I wasn’t even sure if Saint would go along with the whole idea of messing around with a friend from his past. But Saint never ceases to surprise and amaze me, and this scene was no exception!

It’s a “middle school reunion” you don’t want to miss as I capture on camera these childhood friends seeing each other again for the first time in years – under surprising and unusual circumstances, to say the least!

After some funny and nostalgic reminiscing about their junior high years, it’s finally time for these long-lost friends to get reacquainted in ways that neither of them would ever in a million years have imagined back then!

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